/ About Project Management

Good project management is key to success

In the dynamic landscape of Retail, where consumer preferences and market trends are rapidly evolving, successful shop installations play a crucial role in ensuring a supermarket's competitiveness and profitability. Shops, and checkout areas in particular, must not be idle, as idle time is loss, which is why shop construction and refurbishments are often complex installations. At Pan Oston, our project management department knows how to coordinate this perfectly by communicating with various stakeholders and deploying timelines and resources effectively.

/ Team Project Management
Bauke Steenstra Project Manager
Han Hekkink Project Manager
Harry Schutte Project Manager
Jan Willem Nijland Project Manager
Martijn Laarman Project Manager
Raymond Kamphuis Project Manager
Ron IJmker Project Manager
Roy Evers Project Manager
Twan van Tongeren Project Manager
Susanne Smits Commercial Projectcoördinator
Antoinette van der Loos Braakhekke Project Support
Bas Dijkman Project Support
Daphne Broersma Projectcoördinator
Ellis Veldkamp Project Support
Karien Blom Commercial Projectcoördinator
Magreet Boksebeld Project Support
/ Our project management principles

Project management from the drawing board to after installation

Project management is not just a procedural formality but a strategic requirement for successful shop installations. At Pan Oston, we take a holistic approach that includes stakeholder collaboration, budget management, risk mitigation and adaptability. This ensures that shop installations can take place with precision and on time. To do this, we adhere to the following principles.

Good stakeholder management

Installations involve numerous stakeholders such as architects, contractors, suppliers and internal retailer teams. Pan Oston Project Management provides a structured framework to coordinate and manage these various groups to ensure seamless collaboration.

Timing & Planning

In Retail, time to market is a critical factor. Project management enables realistic timelines and milestones to be monitored, enabling efficient execution and a timely go-to-market strategy.

Resource optimisation

By monitoring project resources such as engineering, procurement, production, transport, and service, we ensure installations run smoothly and keep an eye on costs.

Quality guarantees

Delivering Pan Oston quality is important within our organisation. Therefore, project management looks over the entire process to ensure this quality.

Flexibility & Resilience

Project management provides a flexible framework that enables iterative development and rapid adaptation to changing requirements. This adaptability is crucial to respond to shifting market requirements or unexpected challenges that may arise during the installation process.

Evaluation & Improvement

We go beyond installation and also evaluate afterwards. This keeps us on our toes and ensures that we can offer an even better service in the future.

/ Project mangement in the picture
/ Working for Pan Oston

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